Sedona Technologies Insights

Effective Remediation Starts with Context

Written by Admin | Oct 22, 2024 3:36:08 PM

When it comes to threat intelligence, each IT environment faces unique risks based on its industry, business function, and security posture. For instance, the threats that a dealership encounters may be different from those facing an energy company. This means that how we respond and mitigate threats and vulnerabilities must adapt to the unique needs of each.

Environments without multi-factor authentication (MFA), privileged access management (PAM), or endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions require a different approach compared to those with these protections in place. A business with limited security measures may need a tailored strategy that differs from others with a more robust security investment. The key is to recognize that security is not one-size-fits-all, but by aligning your strategy to your environment's specific risks and protections, you can stay a step ahead of evolving threats.