Sedona Technologies Insights

What is Security Awareness Training?

Written by Admin | Apr 3, 2024 8:41:54 PM



Understanding Awareness Training

Anti-phishing awareness training helps people to drastically reduce that error rate by giving them a solid foundation. All malware that targets people gets in via different types of phishing attacks. By exposing employees to all possible phishing variants, in a safe and controlled environment, they will recognize the real dangers when they occur.

Greater cybersecurity awareness starts with thorough anti-phishing awareness training. Viruses, malware, ransomware, etc. come in two varieties: one that tries to worm its way through technical security measures (firewalls, anti-spam, etc.) and one that focuses exclusively on people. It is this second type that poses the greatest danger today: 90% of all cyber breaches start with human error.

Why Anti-Phishing Training is Important

Thorough cybersecurity workshops have an expiration date. While participants will believe they'll have learnt all they need to know to be safe from cyber dangers, the opposite is true. After less than six months, every part of the training will have been forgotten, but the (over)confidence remains. Anti-phishing training not only reminds recipients of what the dangers look like, it also serves as a periodic overview of new and trending threats.

With regular simulated phishing training, recipients are better aware of the many types of danger on the internet, while the necessary skills they need to recognize them remain fresh in their minds.

Read More About Anti-Phishing Training